The cover of September’s issue of Classic Bike features a very special machine – a Norton Featherbed-framed café racer powered by a 998cc JAP V-twin engine. Managing to secure a ride on the bike before it’s despatched to its new owner in Australia, the magazine gets the chance to savour the best of post-World War II handling propelled by a fine vintage powerhouse – and all assembled with superb attention to detail by renowned specials builder John Mossey. Elsewhere in the magazine, another JAP V-twin-powered machine is ridden – OEC’s odd Flying Squad model which, featuring the firm’s unique suspension systems, is as different to the JAP-Norton as it’s possible to get! There’s also a proper road test of BSA’s new Gold Star – the model that’s hoping to relaunch the famous brand with a bang. There’s also an Italian company that allows riders to tour the beautiful Tuscan countryside on ’70s classic bikes, as well as a Harley-Davidson collector who prefers the firm’s old two-strokes to their V-twins, a chat with British motocross stalwart John Banks and a 1957 Matchless returned to the road after a long absence. Something for everyone, as usual!
September 2022

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