A worldwide trip awaits you in the July issue of Classic Bike magazine – from the white heat of competition at the Bol d’Or to the pure white expanses of the icy Antarctic. But it’s an Italian bike that graces the front cover – the Moto Guzzi V7 Sport, with CB test-riding a lovely version of the soul-stirring 50-year-old model. Then it’s over to the Bol d’Or, to celebrate 100 years of the famous French endurance race that spawned incredibly innovative machines such as the Godier & Genoud Kawasaki Z1 and the radical Honda ELFe. Heading further south, you’ll discover that the wilds of Antarctica have been a playground for (largely British) classic bikes for over four decades, with jaw-dropping tales and photographs from the Australian Antarctic Program. Heading back to the UK, there’s also a road test of Suzuki’s unfairly overlooked GT550 two-stroke triple, plus the usual practical hints and tips from workshop expert Rick Parkington (who also puts the finishing touches to his Triumph 3T project), not to mention a full round-up of great events to enjoy now summer’s here!
July 2022

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