The extraordinary tale of an 11-year labour of love is the cover story of December’s Classic Bike – read how a humble Royal Enfield Meteor was painstakingly re-engineered into a machine fit for the modern world. Delving further into the magazine, the daughter of charismatic scrambler Ronnie Tate reveals how she rediscovered and brought home her dad’s old Dot 250. There’s also a chat with Pat Slinn, Mike Hailwood’s engineer at his legendary 1978 TT comeback; a trip to Spain with a review of the ever-popular Piston Rally; and the story of the Jesser Triumph – a ’64 Bonneville that started off as a daily rider and became a racing legend. All this, plus a revealing tribute to Phil Read, along with all the usual riding stories, rebuilds, and workshop hints, tips and advice.
December 2022

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